Absolute Music's Band Jam.
Band Jam is a music club for 10 to 16 year olds who want to play in a band and have mastered their first few chords, beats or scales on their instrument. Band Jam is a great way to get improve your skills in preparation to study at BAMM once you finish your GCSEs.
It runs every Saturday 2pm till 4pm and every Sunday 1pm till 3pm during term time.
The students are organised into bands and songs are then selected by the students from an extensive list of pop and rock tracks from classic songs through to songs fresh out in the charts.
Every tutor plays multiple instruments so can help all the students with the parts to the chosen song. The tutors will often change the difficulty level of those song parts to suit the individuals learning them.
If you are interested in joining in then drop the studios team a line on 01202 572948 or drop us an email at studios@absolutemusic.co.uk